Nem jogerősen pert nyert a Budapesti Békéltető Testület a BKV Zrt-vel szemben

Budapest-Capital Regional Court has rejected the action without final judgment, which was submitted earlier by the Budapest Transport Privately Held Corporation for the annulment of the recommendation of the Arbitration Board of Budapest. Previously, the consumer in his claim addressed to the Arbitration Board of Budapest (the defendant) requested a compensation for his 1670 HUF taxi costs from the Budapest Transport Privately Held Corporation (the plaintiff).

„ Elveszett csomagok nyomában! ” A postai kézbesítéssel összefüggésben keletkezett problémák

What happens if a registered mail does not arrive abroad and the post office sends it back to the sender? And what happens if it disappears or gets destroyed during transportation? Do we get a reimbursement of the dispatch fee or for the value of the package? Are we entitled to a compensation in such cases? Consumers often ask these questions during the Arbitration Board of Budapest’s procedure, which indicates that they are not aware of what they can or can not do when a problem arises.

„Itt a nyár! Javában tart a bicikliszezon Budapesten!” A MOL BUBI kerékpárok kölcsönzésével kapcsolatos problémák

What happens if the rented bikes can not be returned on time, or if the fixing of the bike has not happened correctly? Can the company charge transport usage fee in such cases? Consumers have asked these questions several times during the Arbitration Board of Budapest’s procedure which indicates that they are not fully aware of what they can or can not do when a problem arises. In one case, according to the consumer’s request, he and his friends took 4 bicycles out in Gárdonyi square, which they deposited in St. Gellért square 15 minutes before the expiry of the loan period.

Eddig akár ötszörös postaköltségbe került, ha külföldről rendeltünk – középpontban a fogyasztóvédelem az Európai Unióban!

Improving digital illiteracy, cheaper and more transparent pricing in postal delivery, better quality of electronic services – these specific areas among others are included in the program adopted by the serial Presidency of Council of Ministers of the European Union. One of the four main overall objective is to achieve real and tangible results for consumer’s interest, particularly in the single market. Hungary had caught up to these objectives in its Digital Prosperity Program earlier last year.

„El sem adták a lakást, mégis követelik a jutalékot!” A fogyasztók bosszúságai ingatlanközvetítésnél

Is there any additional fee for the real estate agent (above the commission fee), if eventually the apartment is sold by the consumer? Can a consumer file a complaint if the information given prior signing the contract is totally different from the actual content of the contract? Consumers have asked these questions several times during the Arbitration Board of Budapest’s procedure which indicates that they are not fully aware of what they can or cannot do when a problem arises.

Mi történik, ha nem kap a fogyasztó értesítést a kötelező ellenőrzés időpontjáról? Köteles-e az ellenőrzés meghiúsulása miatt kirótt büntetést megfizetni?

In cases before the Arbitration Board of Budapest, consumers have reported several times that the public services carrying out the chimney sweeping did not act correctly regarding  the notification of the dates of the inspections.  What can consumers do in such situations? Usually the applicants are not familiar with their legal opportunities, therefore it is necessary to strengthen consumer awareness in such cases. Once a consumer indicated in his application that the service always sent the notice about the annual inspection date by pos.