Kellő körültekintéssel vásároljunk október 7-én, az Internetes Vásárlás Napján!
Once in a lifetime offers, huge promotions, special discounts will be promised on the 7th of October 2016, the Internet Shopping Day, which will be held for the 6th time now. Probably many people would like to buy their Christmas gifts now, and of course as cheap as possible. This is an excellent opportunity for consumers, but it does not hurt to be careful to avoid unpleasant surprises later.

Mire érdemes figyelniük a kávét fogyasztó fogyasztóknak?
Since 2009, 29th of September is officially considered as International Coffee Day. Because coffee is the most commonly consumed beverage after water, it clearly deserves its own day. As for the world’s coffee consumption, the US is the first on the list, however, with up to 5 cups a day, the Finns drink the biggest amount per capita. In Hungary, eight people from ten drink coffee regularly, and the stronger flavoured, strong coffees are the most popular. Our nation is not considered a major coffee-loving nation in Europe with 2 to 2,5 kg amount of coffee per year (per person).

Fogyasztói piacok eredménytáblája 2016 – a fogyasztók elégedettebbek, a piacok jobban teljesítenek
The Consumer Markets Scoreboard monitors how markets are functioning from the perspective of consumers. Market Performance is measured by the Market Performance Indicator (MPI), a composite index made of 5 components: comparability of offers, trust in businesses to respect consumer protection rules, the extent to which markets live up to what consumers expect, choice of retailers/suppliers and the degree to which problems experienced in the market cause detriment. The top 3 services markets for consumers are: holiday accommodation (e.g.

Újabb bírságok a nem együttműködő vállalkozásoknak
From the 1st August to the 8th August 2016 the Technology Licensing and Consumer Protection Department of the Government Office of Budapest Capital passed six decisions about 50 000 HUF consumer protection fines, because the businesses concerned (Budavári Kapu Kft., a CC-DM TRAINING Kft., a Complexpress Logisztikai Kft., az Igazi Társ Kft., a Timeshare Market INC Kft. és a Webshoes 24 Kft.) have not fulfilled their mandatory obligation to cooperate in the arbitration board’s procedure, specified in the Act CLV. of 1997 on consumer protection.

Átfogó szabályozás a biztonságosabb e-kereskedelem érdekében
Nowadays, the internet gives us far more opportunities than 10-15 years ago. We can pay our bills, order groceries or date online. We can share our own feelings, thoughts, opinions, keep track of our favorite sport or political events, we can even work from home. And of course, perhaps most importantly, we can literally buy or sell anything! No wonder, then, that year after year the number of online purchases continue to grow. Of course, our country is no exception to this phenomenon: 23 percent of the Hungarian population is considered to be regular e-customer.
Digitális fogyasztóvédelem vállalkozásoknak és fogyasztóknak
The actuality of digital consumer protection and online dispute resolution In Hungary, digital consumer protection and online dispute resolution has never been more relevant than it is now and will be in the forthcoming period, bearing in mind that e-commerce is facing an explosive growth due to the Digital Prosperity Programme and the European Digital Single Market Strategy.

Újabb bírság a nem együttműködő vállalkozásnak
On the 26th of July, 2016, the Technology Licensing and Consumer Protection Department of the Government Office of Hajdú-Bihar County passed a decision about a 50 000 HUF consumer protection fine, because the concerned business (PMP Express Logistics Ltd.) has not fulfilled its mandatory obligations to cooperate in the arbitration board’s procedure, specified in the Act CLV. of 1997 on consumer protection. According to the legislation, the business against which the consumer submitted his application has cooperation obligation.

Késett a távolsági busz vagy vonat és ezért kártérítést szeretnénk igényelni? Ezekre ügyelnek a fogyasztók!
It happened several times that consumers asked from the Arbitration Board of Budapest whether they can enforce their claim for compensation if their domestic journeys were delayed or when their bus or train did not even reach its destination. We would like to help the consumers with some useful advice! First and foremost you have to keep the travel documents, which prove the fact of the journey and also proves that the passenger really had been concerned with the delay of that certain train or bus.

A Budapesti Békéltető Testület 3/2016. számú ajánlása az üdülési jog értékesítésére adott megbízás esetén elvárt fogyasztói és vállalkozói magatartásról
The Arbitration Board of Budapest has experienced that nowadays consumer claims in connection with „recreational rights” are not linked anymore to purchasing timeshares, but to businesses commitments to the sales and resales of consumers already purchased recreational rights. Therefore, the Board has compiled its latest, No. 3/2016 recommendation about the expected behavior of consumers and businesses while carrying out a timeshare sale, which can be reached here: BBT 3-2016. ajanlas.pdf.