From the 1st August to the 8th August 2016 the Technology Licensing and Consumer Protection Department of the Government Office of Budapest Capital passed six decisions about 50 000 HUF consumer protection fines, because the businesses concerned (Budavári Kapu Kft., a CC-DM TRAINING Kft., a Complexpress Logisztikai Kft., az Igazi Társ Kft., a Timeshare Market INC Kft. és a Webshoes 24 Kft.) have not fulfilled their mandatory obligation to cooperate in the arbitration board’s procedure, specified in the Act CLV. of 1997 on consumer protection. According to the legislation, the business against which the consumer submitted his application has cooperation obligation. This means that the company has to reply in written form to the consumer’s request by explaining its views on the matter. Moreover the company has to appoint a representative, who will participate in the hearing, The appointed representative must be authorized to enter into an arrangement. If they violate any of these obligations, they have to face a fine up to 500,000 HUF in case of small or medium-sized enterprises. Thanks to this rule, there is no exception: the consumer will meet face to face with the company representative.