Nowadays, the internet gives us far more opportunities than 10-15 years ago. We can pay our bills, order groceries or date online. We can share our own feelings, thoughts, opinions, keep track of our favorite sport or political events, we can even work from home. And of course, perhaps most importantly, we can literally buy or sell anything! No wonder, then, that year after year the number of online purchases continue to grow. Of course, our country is no exception to this phenomenon: 23 percent of the Hungarian population is considered to be regular e-customer. Although this rate is lower than the EU average, it will certainly increase in the next years. Partly to ensure that this growth rate will be even higher, the Government of Hungary adopted the Digital Prosperity Program. Tamás Deutsch, who is the responsible supervisor for the coordination and implementation of the government tasks related to the program, said: „The digital transformation is not primarily a business, IT or political issue, but a global social phenomenon that irrevocably changes peoples lives, the functioning of enterprises or the organization of administration. This process should be deliberately turned to our favor, so everyone can make a step forward in the digital world.” According to a recent survey, in our , there are about 3,4 million people buying goods and services online, therefore, it became very important to create a legal background which guarantees consumer safety. Thus in addition to the review and analysis of the functioning institutional system, a number of new institutions will be established. Soon there will be a separate database for webshops who committed serious infringements, so citizens can get information in advance about the company from which they would like to order something (or sell something to). And a new, 0-24 online customer service will be available which will provide information on online affairs. Within the framework of developing the domestic digital economy, the government will support the digitalization of administration of small and medium-sized enterprises, and implement new tax reliefs to support startups. It is expected both in Hungary and worldwide that online shopping will be a huge part of the whole retail sale process, thanks to its continuously increasing reliability and the continuously decreasing delivery costs and time.