Eddig akár ötszörös postaköltségbe került, ha külföldről rendeltünk – középpontban a fogyasztóvédelem az Európai Unióban!

Improving digital illiteracy, cheaper and more transparent pricing in postal delivery, better quality of electronic services – these specific areas among others are included in the program adopted by the serial Presidency of Council of Ministers of the European Union. One of the four main overall objective is to achieve real and tangible results for consumer’s interest, particularly in the single market. Hungary had caught up to these objectives in its Digital Prosperity Program earlier last year. The new Presidency of Council of Ministers of the European Union is executed by the Slovak Republic between the 1st of July and the 31st of December, 2016. It carries forward values and objectives set by the European Union (which already had been set out in the Consumer Protection Program from 2014 to 2020), according to which, the objective is to strenghten consumer’s confidence in cross-border shopping. In the program, this is displayed exponentially, and it includes more specific plans that promotes the usage of online services and the easier, simpler and faster resolution of disputes in connection with them. Currently there are still a number of blocking factors, which led to the ineffective operation of the European Union’s internal market. Consumers are often required to pay five times higher price for delivery when ordering online from another Member State, as opposed to inland deliveries – because of the current postal service pricing policy. And indeed, without these extra costs being justified by any incurred expenses. For this reason, in the European Union’s current agenda it is a priority to supervise EU rules so the negotiations can continue on the EU directive draft which result will be: cheaper and more transparent postal prices throughout the European Union. The implementation of the Digital Single Market Strategy also put consumers at the center and further discussions are expected on EU consumer protection standards, which ensures that EU citizens can order from a Member State, regardless of their citizenship or their domicile. The improvement of the e-services are also included in the palette, which simultaneously involves the elimination of digital illiteracy and the promotion of adult education. The Hungarian goals are fully fit to these points, as this is what Hungary’s V. medium-term consumer protection politics and the Digital Prosperity Program (which came into force on the 29th of December, 2015) also states. The V. medium-term consumer policy for 2018 in Hungary includes the preparation of domestic consumers to the digital era, involving the state consumer protection institutions. In addition, in the 2012/2015. (XII. 29.) Government Decision on the Digital Prosperity Program the review of the regulation of electronic commerce also appears, and also the fact that the Internet and digital technology should have a greater role in education. From all this, the arbitration boards also take their parts, as they give advice on the management of debates arising from online consumer purchases and in the same time closing the case in a free and quick procedure. And if you happened to buy online from another Member State, the Arbitration Board of Budapest will conduct the electronic proceedings, while the parties may settle from their armchairs in front of a computer, simply and free of charge. They also help as national ODR contact point to both parties on duties involving the online dispute resolution process and teaches them how to use the EU Conciliation website. Otherwise, Hungary is an example for the European Union, as the 1004/2016. (I. 18.) Government Decision has entered into force on the 19th of January, 2016, based on which not less than 2,25 billion forints comes to the development of consumer protection, including the following areas: „2nd Annex of Govt. Decision Under the project, the following improvements have been implemented: 1. The development, information, awareness raising, consultation, counseling, awareness-raising development tools and processes for consumers and businesses to support the effective management of consumer affairs, 2. digital consumer protection 3. transparent, predictable institutional environment and strong consumer protection institution, 4. development of processes and services which particularly affects the effectiveness and the efficiency of consumer protection.” In Hungary, consumers can expect to be able to utilize more these cross-border online purchases, which guarantee an access to cheaper and in the same time, better goods and services in the future.